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I am Rameez ibn Nusrat ibn Sanaur Rahman.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

My reflections on Surah al Masad

Subhanallah! As I read this Surah, I started contemplating on the reason why this Surah may have been revealed. I started wondering how we could benefit from this Surah in this day and age, when neither Abu Lahab, nor his wife are alive. Upon sincere contemplation, I realized that though this Surah may serve to show clearly that Abu Lahab was destined to the fire and among the worst mushrikeen during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhe wasallam, that wasn't all. I found a benefit in this Surah, that I will share with you bi ithnillah. I tried to pay more attention to the individual characteristics of Abu Lahab and his wife. I found out shocking similarities between Abu Lahab and many of the people of these times. Abu Lahab was a man obsessed with his wealth and status. The first time that he openly mocked the Prophet sallallahu alayhe wasallam was when the Prophet called all the people and informed them about Islam. Abu Lahab made fun of this serious message by asking him, is this why you brought us here from our shops and merchandise?

Unfortunately, such a mentality has become rampant in today's times. This way of thinking is prevalent not only among non-muslims but even those who claim themselves to be muslims. These people prioritize their jobs and businesses over the rights of Allah. The non-muslims do not think about matters of who created us and what is our purpose in life because they are “too busy” trying to earn more money or settle and have a nice life. They know that life is limited and the most one may live is about a little over hundred years, yet they try to live their lives as if this life is never-ending. They don't like to think about the grave because they find such though depressing yet the truth is known to them that someday they will be buried in there.
The situation of the muslims varies only slightly. Many muslims tend to pray their prayers not for the sake of Allah but because their fathers and forefathers used to do so. They stand up in prayer, not knowing a word that they are saying, pray as if it is a torture meted out to prisoners in shackles and then breathe a sigh of relief when they are done. Unfortunately, this may even include those who pray the five daily prayers relatively regularly. The problem does not lie in the fact that they do not understand what they are saying, which may just be due to them not knowing the language. Rather the problem is that they do not seek to establish a connection with their Creator. If they do not know the language, they make no attempt to learn it. They are also busy with seeking wealth and prosperity in this life, despite knowing that their lives will be no longer than a few decades. Such people prioritize this life so much that they would delay or even abandon their prayer to be able to work more hours. They would shave or their beard or discard their hijab to make a more favourable impression on potential employers. They would know more lines of songs than they would know ayaat of the Quran. These people have taken Islam as a culture with no regard to the actual beliefs in Allah and His Commands to us, His creation.

I then looked at the characteristics of the wife of Abu Lahab. She was one, who beared malice towards the Prophet sallallahu alayhe wasallam and his message. She would have liked to bring misery to the Prophet sallallahu alayhe wasallam. In another way, we could also look at it that she would hate the truth to be brought to her and she hated the person of knowledge who brought the truth to her. I looked at this situation from all these different perspectives and I realized even this situation is prevalent today.

So many non-muslims attempt to insult the Prophet sallallahu alayhe wasallam in preposterous ways. They try to create cartoons that ridicule him and they try to defame him by calling him offensive names and try to find whatever fault they can find with him. Interestingly, they never analyze his message but rather look at the actions of his followers and him and judge it with extreme bias.

Fortunately, no sane muslim does such acts as that would make him a disbeliever. Yet there is also a problem with them that some of them do not wish to speak out against this. They would have their dear Prophet, who is the reason for them being guided, to be mocked and ridiculed, yet they would not raise their voices for fear of “ruining relationships”. Others are worried about backlash from the non-muslim society. Their wish for integration is so strong that they would rather become hypocrites to be able to become of part of the “civilized” West rather than stand up for their ideals.

Most of this post has mentioned the similarities between the people mentioned in this chapter and people in this world today. Though I usually used the terms to refer to other people and was usually referring to people closer to the extreme end of the spectrum, I would also like to note that even some of us who may observe our obligations and abstain from prohibitions with correct and sincere intentions fall prey to this disease of prioritizing the wealth and prosperity in this life, all the while knowing that the life of the Hereafter is the true, perpetual life. So I would like to propose some possible methods that we may protect ourselves from becoming like the accursed mentioned in this Surah and in general, protect ourselves from Hellfire. The most important point would be to purify your intentions and to direct your acts of worship to Allah alone. You may ask what is the benefit in mentioning this point when some of the people are not totally convinced about Allah or submission to Him. Well in such a circumstance, I would tell them that even if you harbour doubts with regard to Allah and His Attributes, then still direct your worship to the Creator intending that if there is a Creator then this would be directed to Him and pray for guidance to the truth with the same intention. Another important point is to contemplate deeply upon the death and then subsequent life in the Hereafter. Most of the small surahs that some of us have memorized near the end of the Quran talk about matters of the Hereafter. Don't just read them, but read the translation of the meanings and try to accomplish some understanding of the Hereafter. Ponder upon their meanings and the consequences of being rewarded or punished due to the belief or disbelief that we held on to in this world. The final point I would like to leave you with is to seek Islamic knowledge. Seek knowledge on matters of faith first that you may learn properly the true beliefs in Islam. As you seek knowledge, inshallah(God willing) you will gain a deeper understanding of Islam and will be better equipped to make properly informed decisions. All these advices are not limited to muslims but are an encouraging call to non-muslims as well to learn more about Islam and life in the Hereafter.

Finally I would like to say that all that is good that reaches you is from the Mercy and Blessings of Allah azza wa jal and all that is incorrect and wrong is from the inadequacies of my own soul. Hence I ask you to glorify and praise Allah and seek forgiveness for me. I welcome any questions anyone may have and will try to answer it to the best of my abilities.


  1. Nice sharing..JazakAllah Khairan..may i share this post in my blog?

    1. As Salaamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatahu,
      You may, if you wish to do so. If Allah wills, it will be of benefit.

  2. JazakAllah Khairan.Seeking knowledge is far more important. Captivating ideas that can add in depth and makes the Iman stronger. Alhamdullilah.BarakAllah feekh.
